
Wildlife Habitat & Forest Restoration

Our forests may look green and healthy, but a history of poor logging practices, invasive species introduction, soil erosion, mining, climate change, and wildland fire suppression have seriously degraded much of our southern Appalachian forests. Our forests now have a lower biodiversity, less wildlife, and a decreased resilience to natural disasters than they did just a century ago. Through restorative work we can counteract that history and create a healthier and more productive forest. 

We have completed projects restoring habitat for a variety of Federal and State threatened and endangered plant and animal species. We can also create habitat for game species such as grouse, deer, bear, dove, or wild turkey. 

Timber Management, Evaluation, and Appraisal

Understanding timber inventory is necessary for determining the current and future economic value of your timber and for creating forest stewardship & management plans. Timber inventory is also important for understanding forest and wildlife diversity, determining carbon sequestration and storage, and many other aspects of forest health.

Non-timber forest products

We raise a limited supply of native edible fruit and nut trees to sell and include in our projects. These include: persimmon, American plum, pawpaw, serviceberry, elderberry, hawthorn, American chestnut, American hazelnut, shagbark hickory, red mulberry, and white, red, & chestnut oaks. We can also inculcate mushroom logs, establish tree syrup production, and help cultivate ginseng, ramps, goldenseal, cohosh, and other non-timber forest products.

Wildfire Fuel Treatment

We work with Firewise planning to remove hazardous vegetation and to reduce the threat of wildfire on your property and improve the resiliency of your forest. 

Invasive Species Removal

Do you have hemlock or ash trees that are looking sick? We can treat them to remove invasive hemlock wooly adelgids or emerald ash borers. We can also remove a wide variety of invasive plants.

Wildflower Meadows

We can create a wildflower meadow filled with native plants. This is amazing habitat for a variety of wildlife from pollinator insects to game species such as wild turkey.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We believe the same can be said for a map. Maps are great tools for management and understanding your property. We can create maps to show a variety of information including soils, forest stand delineation, plant communities, boundaries, land use, and more. 

This list is not exhaustive. Usually a project includes a combination of these services. Please contact us for project examples, client testimonies, or for more information.